Sunday, January 20, 2013

2013 The Year of the Divine Mother Goddess

This Year continues to be the strength of Divine Mother Goddess. The Divine Mother Goddess offers many opportunities for women to use their skills and talents to change the world. It is the time to make self assessments that focus on your strengths and how to incorporate your weakens into building a better you, and a better world for all.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Spiritual Guidance 2012 and Beyond 12/17 by QueenMother4real | Blog Talk Radio

Spiritual Guidance 2012 and Beyond 12/17 by QueenMother4real | Blog Talk Radio

Tonight!!! Let's talk about the spiritual energy of 12-21-12! 10 PM EST 347-989-0180. Call in for your free mini reading!   How does this energy affect every person? Call in and join the discussion.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Life Jacket on You: Be Prepared!

Protect You!

Queenchiku Ngozi Ayaba OchBi Awodele Ifaseye told everyone through her 2012 Egun Message to put the life jacket on the self first. Today open your ears to the wisdom of the ancient ones. This year ends control of the world by the greedy evil. They are trying to stay in power and therefore they have waged war with good people. They continue to cloud the real issue of their insatiable greed with unimportant trivia while they manipulate the heart of the world to believe they are being cheated from having all Mother Earth's resources.

The time is now to put the life jacket on you to prevent you from becoming a victim of greedy rage as they fight against the divine spirits of nature, heaven and earth. The structures of greed are imploding as the end comes to crush their oppressive civilization. The greedy elite are looking to keep their wealth and their privilege from becoming obsolete.

The old people say that there three reasons why people are born. They say that some are born to do good things, some are born to do bad things and some are born to do nothing. What were you born to do?

The onslaught of violence and destruction in the media opened the door to the minds and hearts of people that were born to bring bad energy to others. Please do not be fooled those people who are born to do bad things for the human race. They do not suffer from guilt for their evil and they care nothing of others feelings, thoughts or actions. They are lost in their desire to perform evil deeds to hurt others. Open your eyes, be safe, travel with protection. Learn to protect yourself psychically and physically.

The greedy rich use evil people to capture and to kill human sacrifices for the blood empowers them. Sacrificing humans has been going on for centuries; there are many slaves and missing people are used as human sacrifices. In last few months, more African American young women, young white girls, children and homeless people have vanished and later turn up dead.

Please protect yourself by checking the safety of your environment. Please have a backup plan for emergencies. Avoid isolated and unfamiliar places in the late night hours. Let someone know that you are well and stay in contact with people who love you. Put on your spiritual armor daily to protect your steps from people born to create evil in your life.

The media is good at creating films that send fears and then because it on TV or in the movies; you think it is make believe and cannot happen in real life. Do not be a victim, secure you environment, because there no end to what evil thoughts and actions can do to create obstacles in the path of good people. Likewise for good people there is no end to what good thoughts and actions can do to move you forward into the universe of one mind, one heart, one love and to bring peace on earth.

Start today choosing to put the life jacket on you psychically and spiritually. Begin spiritual cleansing your ethereal spirit around your body with pure energies of air, fire, water and earth to remove negativity sent to you from others.

This message is for those people born to bring goodness to the earth. You know who you are. Watch your back! Determine whether the people around you are born to do good things for earth or to be a bad energy to for the world. Choose to protect you first for if you are not safe how will you help others.

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Divine Mother's Love the path to Meaningful Purpose

We all have the seeds of greatness within us. We need only to connect with the Divine Mother's Love and use her energy to find our meaning and purpose in the 21st century.
To find the divine mother love, look within your spirit, feel the nurturing spirit of contentment. Stay still for a short time upon waking; thinking about the mother love you need, feel the love and be lifted from the mundane existence of nothingness. Open up a channel to the divine mother spirit daily; each day thank her for loving you and helping you to find your meaning and purpose in your life. As time goes by, you will soon see your life open up opportunities for you to participate in your meaningful purpose on this planet and then you will gain the satisfaction that you are seeking out of life.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Great Dark Mother on the Planet- Massive Earthquake Signal her Arrival

Yes the Great Dark Mother is on the planet and she is looking for her tribute, she wants us to know that she is here. Mother is stream rolling and bringing indescribable force and strength to kick us into the energy of the 21st century. Frankly we cannot ignore her; she will knock us down and keep rolling. Get down on your knees and pray for understanding of the mother, and come to The Association of the Study of Woman and Mythology Conference on April 23-25 featuring our own Yoruba Royalty Her Excellency Aina Olomo as one of the Conference Presenters. Her presentation: "Divinities of a Matri-Centered Earth Consciousness," will be a spiritual awakening. I am registered and I will be there to hear the many multi- cultural representatives, perspectives and representations focusing on the Mythology of the Mother from around the planet. They can help us to understand the new Planet transformation as well as the moving and transforming energy constantly occurring on the planet. Come share in the abundance of love, prosperity, information. Let us share the other aspects that mother has shown us in our own lives. Join the people connected to the Planet Earth. You know that the mother is on the planet, if you close your eyes and empty your thoughts focus on your breathing, and then you can feel her.
You might not like this message but, it one that you need to take to heart. Do you know a spiritual person in your community, that wears the color white and wraps her head or you hear him chanting or praying in the yard? She or He may be a one of many spiritual people all over the world that are continual offering prayers and sacrifices to show our friends, family, friends and communities mercy from being swallowed up by the land, water, air or fire of her destructive forces .
P. S. Dollmaker Linda, I hope to see you and your beautiful Black Madonna dolls there. As well as all the daughters of Queen Mother; Earth Mum come with your voice and song; Iya OlaIfa come and bring your videographer equipment to document this historic event.
Act now, before you are left out!


3-9-2010-Ofo-Ase-Words of Power

3-9-2010-Ofo-Ase-Words of Power

Friday, March 5, 2010

Love is the Blessings

I wanted to share this story with you:
"Ofo Ase-Words of Power 3-5-2010"
is a day for love- Start it correctly, by loving the divine
spirit within and recognizing the beauty that is within your soul. Beautiful Gemini
and Virgo Mercurial energies communicate to us that...
+1 person dugg this story.

Blessings and Good Fortune for reading the Ofo Ase -Words of Power for the day
Alafia (Love, Peace and Prosperity),
Queen Mother